As my Gravmas gift to you, I would like to show everyone a little known piece of software called LMMS (Linux Multi-Media Studio). LMMS is a powerful program for both Linux and Windows which is used for creating music. It is similar to FruityLoops (and it can, in fact, import files from there) and possibly some of the trackers I have come across. Here is the summary from the LMMS website:
LMMS is a free cross-platform alternative to commercial programs like FL Studio®, which allow you to produce music with your computer. This includes the creation of melodies and beats, the synthesis and mixing of sounds, and arranging of samples. You can have fun with your MIDI-keyboard and much more; all in a user-friendly and modern interface.At the current moment, I am working on a set of beats which will be released under the Creative Commons License for use in whatever you see fit, and of course, I am doing this in LMMS.
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