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Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

Firstly, I would like to thank everyone for a great year. That includes people who read my blog, my Twitter followers, my website readers, BBot users, Ubuntu programmers, and a wide variety of non-profit organizations which help make the world a better place. It is people like you who make the world a less-lonely place.

However, 2010 has been a year filled with success and failure.
  • WikiLeaks has started releasing 250,000 secret diplomatic cables which sparked a world-wide debate that was not only about our government, but also about net neutrality and freedom of information. Even many lawmakers are questioning the over-classification of documents.
  • It is been decided in a court that hardware owners are allowed to use their hardware how they want (homebrew, jailbreaking, etc...).
  • Facebook has finally done something about privacy options (although still not enough, it is a start).
  • I have completed an HTML5 game which is advancing the use of open technologies on the Internet
  • We have seen the foundation of the Dot-p2p project which hopes to provide a decentralized DNS system.

  • Governments all over the world are losing sight of what free-speech is and switching to censored Internet models like those contained in China. Projects like Freenet might be our only hope. Although the United States hasn't gone this far yet, the the government has decided that it doesn't need permission to take down domain names.
  • Hosting providers, credit card companies, and DNS providers alike have caved in to political pressure from the United States government had have cut services from WikiLeaks. Although it isn't illegal to ask private corporations to infringe upon your free-speech rights, this shows how the world will be going in the future with what is essentially legalized censorship.

I would just like to remind everyone that even on new years night/day, I do not rest, I keep fighting communistic control of speech (hence this blog post). Although I can't expect you to be this extreme, I sure hope you will send your congressmen an email asking them to support net neutrality and free-speech in this upcoming congressional term. Without speech, we are nothing, and I am not about to let that happen.

Happy New Year everyone!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Firefox 4!

I have been using Minefield, which is basically, the very, very latest code for Firefox (which can sometimes be buggy). By using Minefield, I have been introduced to a variety of new features that will be included in Firefox 4 when it will be released (scheduled for January 2011). With this release drawing dear, I have decided to get into the true HTML5 spirit by making a complete HTML5 game. So, I made a Snake Clone. To play, simply click start and use the arrow keys to collect the food blocks to help your snake grow. This snake game was made completely with HTML5 (HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and the canvas element) making it one of the most open games to date!

This silly little game has also been submitted to a HTML5 game competition (which I was not hoping to win). You can read more about the results on the new AJ00200 Blog.

By the way, I am accepting donations to fund the development of more open-technology HTML5 based games. You can send donations to the Bitcoin address 12pkhaGcZmoa9RkG11PQm1XNG9D6m62Q2U. Don't have Bitcoins? You can get 0.05 or 0.5 (if you are lucky) at Remember, any little bit helps.

My Thoughts
Overall, I thought that designing a game using HTML5 was great! Although my JavaScript skills were a bit rusty from under-use, I still managed to complete the game within a few hours. The process was very smooth the whole way through. I am glad to say that HTML5 will replace Flash eventually, but not without a good fight. Until then, making an HTML5 app rather than Flash is the best way to get my attention as I would choose anything over Flash.

I have not yet announced the jHS project on my blog, but jHS stands for javascriptHackingSoftware. It is meant to be similar to MHS (Memory Hacking Software) or CheatEngine, except for HTML5/JavaScript games. This program is a long way off, so you don't have to worry about anyone hacking your HTML5 games just yet, but make sure to do the security right the first time.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Happy Gravmas Everyone

Happy Gravmas (Gravmas is a non-Christian celebration of Isaac Newton who was born on December 25) everyone.

As my Gravmas gift to you, I would like to show everyone a little known piece of software called LMMS (Linux Multi-Media Studio). LMMS is a powerful program for both Linux and Windows which is used for creating music. It is similar to FruityLoops (and it can, in fact, import files from there) and possibly some of the trackers I have come across. Here is the summary from the LMMS website:
LMMS is a free cross-platform alternative to commercial programs like FL Studio®, which allow you to produce music with your computer. This includes the creation of melodies and beats, the synthesis and mixing of sounds, and arranging of samples. You can have fun with your MIDI-keyboard and much more; all in a user-friendly and modern interface.
At the current moment, I am working on a set of beats which will be released under the Creative Commons License for use in whatever you see fit, and of course, I am doing this in LMMS.

Want to share, join #beat-masters on (port 6667; SSL 6670).

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Universal Subtitles

I have just added the UniveralSubtitles JavaScript code to my blog so that many videos will either display subtitles or give you the option of subtitling them yourself.
Here is a quick demo of a video from YouTube which a subtitled (Wikileaks themed of course).

Subtitling videos in this manner greatly improve accessibility for your website and it is easy to do. You don't have to download any software, just use their website.

Wikileaks Documentary

This might possibly be the best Wikileaks documentary yet and I highly suggest you watch it. Show it to people against Wikileaks, show it in the classroom and so on.
Please Tweet this as well with the button to your right or the one at the bottom of this post.

A Great Wikileaks Documentary that EVERYONE should watch! It is even more shocking that one would expect.

Wikileaks live discussion

The live discussion is now over, but you can watch the recordings at: The LiveStream Website

Watch live streaming video from pdfleaks at
Personal Democracy Forum presents: A Symposium on Wikileaks and Internet Freedom

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Julian Assange Person of the Year

Skip the article and vote for Julian Assange

Time Magazine is running their regular Person of the Year contest, and Julian Assange could seriously win! My vote, however, was not only to show support for Assange, but also to support the freedom of information worldwide.

Julian Assange currently (as I write this) has a 89/100 average approval rating which has put him in first place, just above Recep Tayyip Erdogan who has an average rating of 83/100. Another person of interest is Barack Obama who is at 60/100.

Please note, you rank these people on a scale of 1 to 100. It is not a "I support this person" or an "I don't support this person" vote. You show how much you support this person.

What if Julian Assange Won?
If Julian Assange happened to win, I think it would make politicians everywhere realize that we desire freedom of information, free speech, and that we don't want Internet censorship.

Vote for Julian Assange!

Join in the discussion in the comments here or by adding #wikileaks or #cablegate (or both) to your Twitter post.