- Use Linux for your computers opperating system.
- Although this is the hardest one to do for most people, its is also the most important. Linux is the worlds most secure opperating system, so as long as you keep it up to date and use a secure password, the government will have a very hard time trying to hack your computer, which would be a great way to spy on you and censor your every message. However, this is not as hard as you think. There are many great Ubuntu distrobutions which are very easy to use, particulary Ubuntu which is very easy to setup, and even lets you keep your normal Windows or Mac opperating system on your computer as well. Ubuntu also includes the tools you need to encrpyt your files and so on.
- Create a public key
- This is probably the second most important thing which you can do, but it can be somewhat complex as it involves encryption and more work to use the encryption. They can't spy on you if they can't read what your saying, so really make an effort to encrypt all sensitive data. I good guide on this can be found right here. The more you encrpyt, the better! Encrpyting your e-mail can be made easiear with the EnigMail Addon for the Mozilla Thunderbird Email Client.
- Use Tor
- Tor is a program which encrpyts all your network traffic and sends it all over the world before it reaches is final destination. This hides your orgional location as well as encrypting your network traffic. (For the techy people, it also hides your IP address).
- Always use https links
- When you see a link or url that starts with https:// not http:// (note the extra s at the end), that means that the connection is encrypted, although, this type of encryption can easily be fooled by governments that have too much power, so watch out!
See also: Encrypted Google Searches
To the people who think that the government should be monitoring our messages:
As the rest of use know, the government can easily abuse this power. It starts out as "We are only monitoring suspected terrorists" and then it moves to accusing people of being terrorists just to monitor them. Or its "We are only monitoring suspected criminals" to "We are only monitoring people who we think may be doing something wrong, but have no idea what or where they are doing anything wrong" to "We are monitoring everyone to make sure they don't do anything wrong." And when they start monitoring everyone, all privacy is gone.
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